Soetes & Sop
Soup & Wine Festival
Soetes & Sop is around the corner and we can’t wait. Sure, it’s been busy preparing the venue (and all the soup) for one of our biggest annual events, but it’s also a super exciting knowing that in a few weeks guests will be hanging out at our cellar, enjoying our Kirabo red wine as they relax with family or friends.
This anual wine event takes place in the Breedekloof Valley. Guests get to travel from cellar to cellar, tasting wine and soup. Kirabo likes to stick to the loved traditional vegetable soup, as it is a perfect combination with our red wines.
As with all the other years at Soetes & Sop, we will be serving bites of our special cupcakes to taste with the Kirabo Cupcake blend – a very popular red wine, especially amongst those new to red wine. For the designated drivers (and kids) we’ll be selling small tubs of Shiraz ice-cream, cupcakes, and kombucha. For those who just want to try something other than wine, our bar will be open and of course, we’ll have craft beer on tap.
Just to get you even more excited, on the Saturday from 12:00, we’ll have live entertainment by Darryl Gantana. He has a voice that can lull babies to sleep, and guitar skills that can mend broken hearts. On top of that, the Mini Coffee Company will also be arriving at 12:00, to make sure that all our guests can warm themselves with a coffee or cupaccino.
Tickets are available via Howler.